Artist Journal is a sacred space where creatives can connect, collaborate, and let their artistic spirits soar, guided by the principle that creativity knows no bounds, as showcased through my unique jewelry line inspired by travel and design.

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Pandoras Box
TAO Tabbys Avenue TAO Tabbys Avenue

Pandoras Box

What I love. How I love. How to love. How to...

How I speak.

How I communicate.

How I see.

How I feel.

How I taste.

How I smell.

Preservation of life, whether it be nature; flowers, pottery stones, animals, people in spirit or life, in my nude drawings, painting of animals. This is how I speak.

Preservation of Music. My whole life I have been burning music. From when I can remember, I was sitting next to my boombox, which had a tape deck on it and I would burn my CDs onto my tapes and label them. I only listened to my music in my car. It was a must I had my own music hook up to play in my car. As time progressed, it would go from tapes to burning CDs, to the iPod, to Shazaming my music, wherever I went. Progressing to converting my weekly Shazams lists to MP3s. I could not even move my car without my own music and it never happened. Now it is all through me and how I communicate.

Preserving of knowledge. Knowledge is hidden. It is hidden in the realms of each hidden code made up, but it can change as I have seen it. The one you, the death you, the spirit you, the god you and the truth in the books of knowledge. The codes are within me. Blocked and released when needed or taken from me and used. Is seeing believing or believing seeing.

Preserving of Arts. It is in me. In order to protect myself and live in the world, we must protect ourselves. It is in the codes we held locked up in our way to live it all. Dance, Music, feeling of everything with expression, created by the human soul!!!

Preserving of humanity. I have always felt the need to preserve and keep memories. When did I know when I said I am ready. Our taste is based on memory. If we have no memory of it, how do we know without it or the smell.

Preserving of History. To change history, we change it all. What it means and what was taken away and given. This will lead to a better life for humanity and what is all around us to come. This is why I had to go through it all and do it all. SO WE CAN FIND THE CHANGE AND live our true selves who we are meant to be.

I know now this was my choice before I even knew.

I know when I was born I questioned everything. I felt so hurt seeing what I saw as I got older. I hid my true self into what I loved. Writing, art, music and symbology of what I loved and collected and made. I knew I would have to come to see who I was truly. Find who I am and fight for it. Each time I'd lose and I would gain more of why people did what they did. I knew my heart into this and I had to see it all and go on this journey to know it all.

I know now and I am seeing the division in why I was placed with this. This is my choice to heal and share it now. No matter what, I will have to reveal and the challenges I will take to help and give. The truth when it was taken from me and when.

I am ready to see. Family, I am back. Now see the truth. Look into what is preserved, listen to the music, never accept the truth; erase the board and start over and come up with your own reasoning and facts, research, it is out there!!, read the art, I cannot smell smoke, I cannot smell alcohol, I have reoccurring pains, look at my DNA, bone marrow, look in the ashes and stars. I raised myself and I know me! No one else, These are who I am inside and out. True love until they got me.

This is the truth!!!

It is open now. I am ready to open Pandora's Box and show you how to heal. What we need and what is missing. How we are able to save us from us.

Sitting right next to the source of it all. Revealing it all knowing how dangerous this could be. I believe in hope and change and everybody should be able to know peace and the true world of who we are met to be as a whole.

It was all me to see who we are. Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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Making Art
TAO Tabbys Avenue TAO Tabbys Avenue

Making Art

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

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Fall IN
TAO Tabbys Avenue TAO Tabbys Avenue

Fall IN

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

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TAO Tabbys Avenue TAO Tabbys Avenue


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

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Tabbys Avenue

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